I like stuff with romantic elements and angst, usually YA, fantasy, paranormal/urban fantasy or variations thereof. Usually wrinkles nose at sci-fi due to unlikely tech. Straight girl who likes boys that like boys!
Sigh. The time-line in this book is a somewhat erratic, which I could live with if it then did not mention conversations or situations that the reader is seemingly supposed to know about. It yanks me right out of the flow, and makes it really hard to follow Ridge on his summer journey. This book could have been good, but so far it falls short. It's like somebody randomly cut shit out, and the progression of Ridge & Micha's relationship could have been a portrayed a lot smoother.
I have repeatedly been told that Micha is the only one who understands Ridge, but I do not for a second believe it. Terrence (when he randomly appears) has a handle on the inner turmoil of his friend just fine, and seems to be a totally awesome and mature 16-17 year old boy. Why is there not more Terrence in this book?
I'm also having issues with the blurb, and it makes me wonder what book the person who wrote it read - unless things will change drastically from here. The horses have nothing to do with Micah's tribe - they are related to things Micha want's to show Ridge that has significance to his life, not his tribe's, though I feel the whole each-horse-has-a-story plotline could have been explored more so far. Missed opportunity here, author!
In addition I have not seen anything that can justify the book blurb's description of Micah as this hetro-boy devourer, and I'm feeling kinda offended on behalf of this boppy, excitable, fast-talking, sweet and cheerful zombie-loving kid. There has been mention of one ex-boyfriend. ONE. That does not strike me as extreme.
Grown-ups are weirdly absent, even though it is explained to a certain extent. All of this is extremely annoying, because I do see that it could have been pretty good.
At least it was a kindle freebee when I got it :-)
Also: cringing mentally as shit is obviously about to go down. Please to be making it not so horribly painful.