I like stuff with romantic elements and angst, usually YA, fantasy, paranormal/urban fantasy or variations thereof. Usually wrinkles nose at sci-fi due to unlikely tech. Straight girl who likes boys that like boys!
No no no no! Tell him about Hiyam, Maise, TELL HIM! Don't let her do this to you.
Leah Raeder I hate you a little for your skill at building tension little by little through an entire book. I'm on eggshells. I don't want to read. I want to read. Please let the shoe fall, get it done already - rip it off quick like a band aid, so I can move on. Don't let it fall; let them be OK. I'm so anxious I'm squirming as I read. I can't take it.
My boyfriend unhelpfully told me I shouldn't get so emotionally invested in my books. But it's why reading is so awesome! Except it sucks a little when you get that hot, shifty uneasy queasy thing rolling in your stomach because characters are on a snowball of doom. FML.